Meeting of Advisory Council on questions of informatization


Joint meeting of Advisory Council on questions of informatization attached to Verkhovna Rada (VR) of Ukraine (the head is academician M. Zgurovsky) and people's deputies that are members of the Committee of VR of Ukraine on questions of science and education took place at 22nd of January 2009 in National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute».

Y. Yakymenko — the first pro-rector, M. Ilchenko — pro-rector of scientific work in NTUU «KPI». D. Tabachnyk — the first deputy of the VR Committee head in questions of education and science, the head of Supervisory board of National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», v. Polohalo — the head and K. Samoilyk — the secretary of the VR Committee in of education and science, M. Striha — the deputy of education and science minister, I. Ruban — the director of the Informatization State Committee and others took part in the meeting. There where discussed the questions connected with society informatization, development of home Grid-technologies and innovative activity.

Firstly prof. A. Petrenko made a presentation of high-performance computing cluster that we have in NTUU «KPI» and that is a component of Ukrainian Grid-network.

v. Polohalo along with his opening speech appealed to the participants of the meeting. He pointed out that the appropriate legal framework for innovative development of Ukraine was worked out, but because of absence of proper financing (only 0.3–0.5% of GDP is spent on a science, while the needed minimum is 1%), reduction of scientific stuff, degradation of scientific and technological researches and other factors the scientific development of Ukraine is slowed down. Innovational activity of Ukraine today is characterized with 14% while the worst index in Europe is 26% and the best is 65%. So the wok of Advisory Council, he emphasized, could become the main source of ideas and proposals for parliamentary hearings and for adoption of appropriate laws.

The decision of Support Advisory Council of VR Committee in Education and Science about conduction of parliamentary hearings aimed to analyze legal framework and adoption of the law (change to the laws) that would eliminate all the obstacles on the way of innovative development of Ukraine was approved; also there was expressed the willingness to cooperate with the Committe to prepare this hearings and to share their proposals and ideas with them.

The head of working party in the development of State Program A. Zagorodny reported about the preparation of State Specific Program of Grid-technologies implementation and application in Ukraine in 2009–2012.

Academic M. Zgurovsky reported about the real fulfillment of the Sate Program, and about one of the projects that is realized in the national Grid network, also about activity of World Data Center (WDC) for Geoinformatics and Sustainable development.

WDC Ukraine became the 53rd in the world; it passed through proper certification and in December 2008 became a part of regional cluster. The preferential direction of WDC activity is a sustainable development in the sphere of people’s life quality and definition of the main threats for global development. The speaker reported about the results of global modeling concerning the quality of people’s life that consists of more than 40 indicators (Ukraine is on the 62nd place among 112 countries) and the threats to National Security (Ukraine is on the 60th place, Russia is 63rd among 100 countries). The Data is available on the portal of WDC.

There was made a decision to approve the work of National Science Academy (NAS) and the Ministry of Education and Science (MES) of Ukraine concerning a program of the Grid-network development and to support the project of WDC’s work in 2009–2013 also to pass that for the approval to the Cabinet of Ministers.

During the Meeting there was also considered a question that referred to the improvement of Ukrainian legislation especially the laws: «About Electronic, Digital Signature», «About Scientific and Technical Information», and the tasks of the National Informatization Program on 2009–2011 and others. Proper decisions were made for all questions that were considered.

N.Vdovenko (newspaper «Kyiv Polytechnik»)

Meeting of Advisory Council on questions of informatization

Meeting of Advisory Council on questions of informatization