Trainings for representatives of state authorities and potential users of space data from private sector


The current development of the country requires the use of new technologies and space monitoring of the Earth and geospatial data collection in order to meet social needs, national security and defense, as noted in the draft of Strategy space activities of Ukraine till 2022. In particular, works are realized to create the Ukrainian segment of the international aerospace systems using data monitoring, which in the future should be part of the common European Research Area in the field of remote sensing.

In this connection, the ESC "World Data Center for Geoinformatics and Sustainable Development" together with SPE "Ahroresurssystemy" held two one-day trainings for representatives of state authorities and potential users of space data from private sector. Training took place on 15 and 16 December 2016 at the WDC Igor Sikorsky KPI in the framework of the project of the State Space Agency "Ensuring transfer of space technologies for Earth observation in the real economy. The industrial data processing technologies. Creation of the Ukrainian segment of GEO-UA of International System GEOSS».

The main goal of the training was to familiarize the participants with modern geospatial technologies, Open Data & Big Data based on means of remote sensing and satellite monitoring of the Earth. Workshops were devoted to the use and analysis of the agricultural crops structure and forest resources of Ukraine on the base of remote sensing on example the developed prototype geoportals «GEO-UA».

In the first time in in the framework of project was received full coverage of the Ukraine of satellite images PLANET, obtained from space clustering nano-satellites. This experience is useful in developing nano-satellites university program POLYTAN. In the training involved 50 participants, 4 teachers from Igor Sikorsky KPI team and coach SPE "Ahroresurssystemy." According to the results of training the students acquainted with new abilities of use space data resources in the portal «GEO-UA».

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