Foresight 2018: analysis of the training and retraining of specialists in the natural and technical direction, based on the goals of sustainable socioeconomic development of Ukraine by 2025 (Ukrainian)
Proceeding from the main objective of the socio-economic development of Ukraine until 2025, an analysis of the available human capital in the country through the cross-cutting levels of training: general secondary school, vocational training, and a high school) was performed. An estimation of the gap between the available and necessary human capital for achievement of the set of goals in the national and sectorial contexts has been made. The ability of scientific and pedagogical schools of Ukraine to carry out training of human capital in accordance with the group of criteria of international cooperation of labor is researched. The sequence of governmental actions aimed at ensuring high-tech development of the country in the medium-term (by 2020) and long-term (by 2030) is proposed. |