Meeting devoted to the integration of Slavutych scientific community to the work of World Data System, took place on September 2, 2011 at the World Data Center for Geoinformatics and Sustainable Development (WDC- Ukraine).
Mayor of Slavutych - V.Udovychenko, rector of NTU "KPI", scientific advisor of WDC-Ukraine - M. Zgurovsky, and deputy director of WDC-Ukraine - A. Pasichny attended the meeting.
Main topics for discussion during the meeting were: directions of WDC activity, prospects for joint research of Chornobyl disaster consequences and its impact on sustainable development, cooperation to develop an access to data on the effects of the Chornobyl disaster to the world scientific community.
Also, there was discussed a joint development of a consortium for education in sustainable development - Central and East European Institute for Sustainable Development (CEEISD)