The heads of the Educational Agency of the City of Kyiv and the Kyiv City Organization of the Trade Union of Education and Science Workers of Ukraine visited Igor Sikorsky KPI to discuss the issue of cooperation in the field of educational technologies.
The leading topic of discussion was the Information and Analytical Situation Center of KPI, which has powerful server units and analyzes the processes in society concerning current events. Experts of the Situation Center demonstrated research results in the field of management and analysis of data of different nature, modelling, assessment and forecasting of development of countries of the world and regions of Ukraine (http://sdi.wdc.org.ua/), including interactive web-based dashboards for tracking and forecasting distribution of COVID-19 in Kyiv (https://arcg.is/1jz4SH) and Ukraine (https://arcg.is/08ymaD).
The meeting ended with the signing of a memorandum of cooperation between KPI, the Educational Agency of the City of Kyiv and the Trade Union of Kyiv educators.