International Forum "Ecology and Peace"


ЗображенняOn May 15-16, 2024, the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" hosted the International Forum "Ecology and Peace," dedicated to combating ecocide, nuclear terrorism, humanitarian demining, and water purification. The event brought together leading experts and scientists who discussed the environmental problems caused by the war over two days.

The Rector of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic, Michael Zgurovsky, emphasized the importance of international cooperation in addressing environmental challenges in his speech. He stressed that the integration of modern technologies and innovations into environmental monitoring and restoration processes is critically important for overcoming the consequences of ecocide and achieving sustainable development. Mykhailo Zhukovsky also presented the results of a foresight study conducted by the World Data Center for Geoinformatics and Sustainable Development (WDC-Ukraine) in collaboration with leading Ukrainian and international experts. This study, titled "Scenarios for Ending the Russia-Ukraine War in the Context of a New Security Architecture of the World," is dedicated to analyzing the state and possible prospects of the Russia-Ukraine conflict in the third year of the full-scale war within the framework of a new Euro-Atlantic security architecture and regional stability in Europe. Michael Zgurovsky noted the need to revise the international security relations system, which has existed for the last seven decades, and highlighted the importance of forming a new security architecture that takes into account modern challenges and threats. Зображення The Rector of KPI also spoke about the importance of cooperation with international partners in researching and modeling the future security architecture of the world. Overall, his speech underscored the importance of a scientific approach, the use of modern technologies, and international cooperation in addressing the environmental and security challenges facing Ukraine and the world.

The forum's concept emphasized the importance of uniting the efforts of the public, scientists, educators, and government structures to counter aggression in the ecological spheres. The decade-long military actions on the territory of Ukraine have significantly worsened the environmental situation, and the consequences of aggression and terrorist acts by the Russian Federation were described as deliberate and targeted acts of ecocide.

ЗображенняThe head of the Geoinformation Systems Laboratory, Sergii Gapon, and GIS specialist Karolina Borovyk, spoke about using GIS, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and satellite imagery to identify the consequences of military actions. They emphasized the importance of monitoring land cover changes, surface water dynamics, forest cover, and agricultural fields to plan measures for the restoration of affected areas.

The forum became an important platform for discussing critical environmental issues and finding solutions to ensure Ukraine's environmental and energy security. The forum participants agreed that joint efforts and international cooperation are key factors in addressing the problems associated with ecocide and restoring affected areas.