International Symposium "Contemporary Tendencies in Transference of Centers of Science & Technology Activity on the European Area and Cross-Country Mobility of Scientists and Specialists" took place in Kiev from 19th till 23rd of October, 2011. It was held within the international 7th Framework Program of European Comission BILAT-UKRAINE that is supported by NAS of Ukraine.
Symposium was held under support of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and the main issues discussed were concerning modern approaches to the scientists and specialists mobility, main tendencies and peculiarities of their mobility and Bologna process as a factor that enables international mobility of intelectual recourses.
Regional workshop "Ukrainian S&T infrastructure: development and perspectives for UA-EU cooperation" took place within the international symposium.
Among the participants - representatives of National Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, representatives of universities and institutions and BILAT-UKRAINE project participants. K. Yefremov - head of WDC-Ukraine and Pasichny A. - deputy head were also among the participants of the seminar, K. Yefremov made a report on "WDC State of Art".