Ukrainian-Canadian Forum “Interaction of Post Secondary Institutions, Government and the Private Sector for Sustainable Development”


On 30th - 31st October, 2014 the World Data Center for Geoinformatics and Sustainable Development participated in the Ukrainian-Canadian Forum “Interaction of Post Secondary Institutions, Government and the Private Sector for Sustainable Development” held at the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”. A delegation from University of Winnipeg, which was introduced by vice-presidents of the University headed by Neil Besner, and the embassy representatives headed by the Ambassador of Canada to Ukraine Roman Waschuk represented the Canadian side.

The Ukrainian side of the Forum was led by rector of NTU "KPI", academician of the National Academy of Sciences, Professor Michael Zgurovsky. The president of the Kyiv School of Economics George Omelyanovych Logush and delegates from Ukrainian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, and the State Environmental Investment Agency of Ukraine also took part in the activities of the Forum.

A wide range of scientific and technical areas of the sustainable development support and experience exchange with Canadian colleagues were discussed during the Forum.

Particular attention was drawn to the issue of “green campus” and energy conservation, in which the University of Winnipeg has had the greatest results.

The WDC and NTU "KPI" staff presented a number of plenary and section reports, regarding scientific research results of the Center in economic, environmental and social spheres of sustainable development, mathematical modeling of sustainable development indicators, geoinformatics.

As a result of the Forum it has been noted that Ukrainian-Canadian approaches to sustainable development problems are quite alike and that there is a necessity of further cooperation in this direction.