January 30, in National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” the scientific seminar "System Research in Earth Sciences, Economics and Society 2015" was held.
The seminar was organized by NTUU “KPI” and the Institute for Applied Systems Analysis of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
Before the seminar started, its participants had had an opportunity to see an exhibition of scientific publications in the field of informatics and system research.
The day of the seminar coincided with the 65th birthday anniversary of the rector of KPI, the director of IASA and the Academician of NASU Michael Zgurovsky. That is why, this scientific meeting also become a great opportunity for its participants to congratulate the rector. The director of Institute of Cybernetics of NASU, Academician-Secretary of the Department of Informatics of the NAS of Ukraine Ivan Sergiienko was the first, who congratulated Michael Zgurovsky, “Almost all the Department of Informatics of our Academy gathered here today. We would like to congratulate Michael Zaharovych with his 65th Birthday anniversary, and wish him both health and success in his scientific school, National technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” and Institute for Applied Systems Analysis!”
Michael Zgurovsky delivered the report “The participation of the Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, MES and NAS of Ukraine, World Data Center “Geoinformatics and Sustainable Development” in solving urgent problems of the state and international cooperation on system research.” There was given a detailed analysis of the scientists’ activities and achievements, which are paving the way in the sphere of system research in Ukraine. The report also stated the importance of their research for the practice.
Other participants of the seminar told about the details and the results of the seminar. Their reports were dedicated to the wide range of questions – from the problems of guaranteed security of complex systems functioning, algorithms of systematic coordination of various data, the methods of measuring the world threat of spreading weapons, evaluation of environmental sustainability and security in the region and industrial systems to use of geoinformation technologies for strategic planning of sustainable community development, etc. Therefore, due to their urgency seminar materials can be used in the development of management decisions in many areas of economic and social development of the country and its regions.