Round table meeting for problems of sustainable development took place at NTUU “KPI” on April, 27. Ukrainian experts and guests participated in it. Guests from St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University: V. Kozlov, vice-rector for academic methodology, head of subdepartment of “System Analysis and Management” of engineering cybernetics department, A. Yefremov – deputy director of this department, from Warsaw University of Technologies: Franciszek Krok – vice-rector for academic affairs, Krystof Zmievski - professor of civil engineering faculty, Lukash Voydyga – deputy director of Center for Internetional Cooperation, Bohdan Utrysko – responsible for admission of students to WUT.
Rector of NTUU “KPI” M. Zgurovsky welcomed all the present and expressed his expectations that discussion of sustainable development problems will allow to all of the partners to make use of the experience that was worked out (taking into account peculiarities of every university) and to elaborate joint course of further work. In his report “World Data Center for “Geoinformatics and Sustainable Development”: Sustainable Development – global and regional contexts” M. Zgurovsky dwelled upon the investigatory part of the problem. K. Yefremov – director of WDC for “Geoinformatics and Sustainable Development” and prof. G. Statyuha – head of subdivision of the department of cybernetics of chemical and technology processes, director of Central East European Institute for Sustainable Development (founded in 2008 by the scientists of Ukraine, Russia, Belorussia and Poland ) informed about academic application of results of the research. In particular it was stated that in every European country 5-15 universities have educational programs in sustainable development, Ukraine, in the meantime, is making its first steps. There were also presented educational courses in sustainable development that are put into educational process of Kyiv Polytechnic. Participants of the meeting considered postgraduate program “Sustainable Development: global and regional contexts”, where one should use results of postgraduate research to write Candidate’s dissertation on the same subject as the most interesting one. Half out of first graduates that were studying according to this program expressed a desire to continue their scientific research.
Representatives of Universities of St. Petersburg and Warsaw also shared their experience in the problems that were discussed. Participants of the meeting also became familiar with the work of World Data Center and high performance computing cluster, used for calculations on the subject of
sustainable development.
According to the results of the discussion relevant documents were accepted and expressed a confidence that society will consider thoughts and forecasts of scientists, and will take them into account when making any decisions and young specialists that are studying on the subject of sustainable development and carry new knowledge will assist them in it.
By materials of newspaper "Kyiv Polytechnic"
Photo from kpi.ua