Institute of Geophysics of NAS of Ukraine

Institute of Geophysics of NAS of UkraineThe Institute of Geophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IGP) was organized on the 23rd of December 1960 in Kiev as a result of integration of Geophysical Laboratory and Magnetic Station of the Institute of Geological Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of Ukrainian SSR, geophysical departments and stations of the Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources of the Ac.Sci.Ukr.SSR and the Section of Seismology of the Ac.Sci.Ukr.SSR with the aim of cooperation between scientists in the fields of fundamental, experimental and applied geophysics.

The founder and the first Director of the Institute (from 1960 to 1976) was the famous geophysicist S.I. Subbotin who played an important role in the development of the main lines of geophysical science in Ukraine.

From 1976 to 1991 the Institute was headed by the outstanding geophysicist A.V. Chekunov, who contributed greatly to the strengthening of its scientific authority. The progress in geotectonics, deep-seated structure of the Earth’s crust and the upper mantle, tectonic processes, integration of the data of different geophysical methods, studies of modern geodynamics and seismic activity, tectonophysical simulation is associated with his name.

Since January 1992 the Institute of Geophysics has been headed by the Academician of NAS of Ukraine V.I. Starostenko.

There are 558 Staff Members at the IGP now, among them 1 Academician, and 1 Corr.Member of NAS of Ukraine, 28 Doctors and 73 Candidates of Sciences.

The main problem which faced the Institute was the study of deep-seated structure of the Earth’s crust and the upper mantle and the forecast of mineral deposits applying geophysical methods.

The Institute participates in a set of programs and projects: EUROPROBE, GEORIFT, EUROBRIDGE, PANCARDI, DOBRE, INTAS, NARS-DEEP, IRIS, SCAR (Antarctic studies) et al.

Director: Vitaliy Ivanovych Starostenko, Member of the Academy of Sciences
Adress: 32 Palladin Avenue, 03680, Kyiv, Ukraine
Тel: (+38 044) 424 0112
Fax: (+380 44) 450 2520