Institute of Geography of NAS of Ukraine was established by the founding in 1964 the Sector of Geography under the Institute of Geology Sciences of Academy of Sciences of Ukrainian SSR.
In 1991 establishment gained the status of Institute.
The head of the Institute is corresponding member of NAS of Ukraine Leonid Hryhorovych Rudenko.
The main research guidelines of the Institute of Geography:
- The theory and techniques of researches of geographical aspects of society interactions with nature and its consequences with the aim of defining the development ways of regions and implementation of eco-geography zoning of the territory of Ukraine.
- Researches of the conditions and changes of modern and ancient landscapes and its components.
- Developing of geographical bases of balanced economic, social and ecological development of regions of Ukraine.
- Mapped researches of landscape changes, territorial economy organization, population placement researches and consequences of interaction between society and nature.
- Creating of the National Atlas of Ukraine and other maps.

Applied guidelines:
- Geomorphological and paleogeographical grounds of searching of some fossils, building of economic objects etc.
- Landscape-geochemical grounds of actions taken to eliminate effects of the ChAES disaster.
- Natural- and social- geographical grounds of rational use of nature in the regions of Ukraine.
- Revealing of regional laws of population placement, features of its dynamics of demo- and urboecological conditions of living; spatial features of people vital activity.
- Processing of the transformation directions of the manufacture structure of regions of Ukraine.
- Geographical examination of projects, ecological situations etc.
- Designing of contents of GIS of Ukraine (structure, data base of natural and social-economic resources, events and objects), and also the points of automized map making of different scales.
The Institute edits «Ukrainian Geographic Journal».
In the Institute works 87 persons, including 9 doctors and 22 candidates of sciences.
There are 6 departments in the Institute: landscape research, geomorphology, paleogeography, social-geography researches, regional eco-geography problems and geography of transport, cartography. Institute has complex geographical stationery and library with more than 30 thousands hardcopied and 1 thousand handwritten works on geography, ecology and other sciences.
Institute has postgraduate study (16 postgraduate students) and 2 special councils to defend doctors and candidate dissertation on 4 geographic sciences.
Director: Leonid Hryhorovych Rudenko, Member of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Address: 44 Volodymyrska str, Kyiv, 01034, Ukraine
Tel.: (+380 44) 234 6193?
Fax.: (+380 44) 234 3230